An enquiring mind, skill as a field geologist and the desire to find orebodies led Walter Holyk to make an outstanding contribution to the...
Along with many other prospectors of his generation, Edmund Horne came to northern Ontario at the turn of the century with hopes of findin...
Although best known as one of Canada’s prominent mine financiers and developers, Donald Hogarth’s career includes a long list of achie...
Joseph Hirshhorn came to Canada in 1933, drawn by opportunities in gold mining. He was an unabashed promoter and entrepreneur who announce...
For almost three decades the 1970s, 1980s and until his death in 1995 Robert Hallbauer was recognized by industry, government and labor as...
While every graduate engineer is familiar with the Ritual of the Calling of an Engineer, there may be a few who do not know that the ritua...