Mining engineer and geologist Georges H. Dumont has truly earned his place among the great contemporary discoverers.

A pioneer of the Quebec mining industry, Dumont was actively involved in the engineering, development and production of the eleven mineral deposits he helped discover. This lifetime of achievement makes him an extraordinary figure in the mining industry of Canada.

Dumont was born in St. Anselme, Quebec, and studied engineering at the University of Montreal, where he graduated in 1936. His six brothers also became engineers. This achievement was recognized by the Corporation of Professional Engineers of Quebec, which paid a tribute to the family at its annual convention in 1957.

Dumont’s first discovery in Quebec was the Adelmont gold mine (today the Brosnor mine) in Louvicourt Township in 1937, followed by the discovery of the Monique gold deposit in 1938. In 1942, he discovered a lithium deposit which became the Quebec Lithium mine from which were extracted a million tons of ore between 1952 and 1962.

These early finds were followed in 1944 by the Louvicourt Goldfields mine which stayed in production for three years. In 1945, Dumont discovered the East Sullivan deposit, which became one of the largest copper-zinc mines in the Abitibi region, producing 17 million tons of ore over a period of 17 years.

In 1960, Dumont made another significant discovery, a molybdenum and bismuth deposit from which almost two million tons of ore were extracted between 1965 and 1970. In 1962, he discovered the Chesbar iron mine, followed by the Quebec Explorer gold mine.

In the 1960s, while looking for nickel, Dumont made another lithium discovery in La Motte Township. He also found some nickel in 1970, in Launay Township, near Amos. It was an enormous, low-grade deposit of 800 million tons of 0.4% nickel which is now respectfully called “the Dumont Sill”.

The Mid-Canada mine was discovered in the 1970s, and later produced for several years. In 1974, Dumont found the Bras d’Or mine, today the Dumont mine of the AurBel group. Finally, in 1983, he discovered the Wrightbar gold mine in Bourlamaque Township.

Today, Dumont takes a keen interest in lithium, which he calls “the metal of the future”. As president of Wrightbar Mines, he launched an initiative to make the company a lithium producer.

Dumont’s many accomplishments have not gone unnoticed. In 1980, he was named Prospector of the Year by the Quebec Prospectors Association for his outstanding services to the mining industry.

Few men in Canada have achieved greater success in mine-finding than Dumont. His rare blend of personal skills, technical expertise, intelligence, insight and boldness have made him an inspiration for many young geologists who have chosen to pursue careers in mineral exploration.


The island of Newfoundland was a continual source of inspiration for Harold (Hank) Williams during his fruitful early years with the Geological Survey of Canada (GSC) and subsequent prolific career at Memorial University of Newfoundland and Labrador in St. John’s.

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